Therapy & Workshops

We are a team of qualified counsellors based in Cheadle Cheshire.
We also run courses and workshops for couple using. Imago relationship therapy

POPULAR couples Weekend Workshop

What Should You Look For in a Therapist?

Here at the Affinity Centre we have experienced therapists who can help you with whatever difficulties you are experiencing.  So when choosing a therapist what should you look for?  This article gives some excellent down to earth advice.

Initially most people choose a therapist whom they can afford, who  has expertise in their particular issue and has the right qualifications.  The most fundamental thing however is the relationship you develop with your therapist and research has shown  the success of your therapy is dependent on it.  Ryan Howes  a clinical  psychologist interviewed here suggests there are certain  qualities you can look for. These include patience, listening skills and also that your therapist has self awareness.  Why not read the article if you are considering therapy?  Also take some time to look around our website too.

What Should You Look For in a Therapist? An Interview with Ryan Howes, Ph.D..