Dealing With Jealousy
I have lot’s of experience with jealousy. It’s the issue that brought me into therapy nearly twenty years ago. I wrote a blog post about jealously a couple of years ago (which you can read here) and that has resulted in many individuals with jealousy issues seeking me out to work with me. I have to say, in the vast majority of cases I have been successful at helping them let their jealousy go.
How will I help you to drop the jealousy?
Working out when it happens
The first thing we will do is sit down and have a chat about how your jealousy is manifesting itself. Do you react more at certain times than others? Is it when your partner goes out that the issue arises? Maybe it has something to do with you having one too many in the pub before the green eyed monster rears its ugly head.
Working out why it happens
Next, we will talk together about the beliefs you hold about yourself in relation to your partner. It’s not uncommon for people with jealousy issues to think little of themselves. Many have no idea why their partner would want to be with them in the first place. This was certainly the case for me. I believed that my partner was just waiting to find someone better than me as there was not much for her to like about me. Therapy helped me with that hugely, it can help you too.
Family stuff
Tackling this negative self talk can take a while and will probably involve looking at where it came from in the first place, so talking through your family history will probably be necessary as part of this process.
Feeling different
Dealing with jealousy is doable. You don’t have to live with it. Once you have worked with me on the issue my hope is that you will be feeling different about your relationship with your partner. Interestingly, this can change the relationship in lots of ways and we may need to spend some time talking through how to deal with whatever comes up as the dynamic between you changes.
Couples Weekend Workshop
Want to get started?
If you have issues with jealousy and you are fed up of it ruining your relationships and causing them to break down then why not give me a call and let’s do something about it.
It’s time you and your little green eyed friend parted company so you can have close, intimate relationships without the stress, anxiety and anger that jealousy causes. Give me a ring at the centre on 0161 282 0259 or use the contact form to get in touch.
I beat jealousy and I’ve helped many others do the same. Now it’s your turn if you’re ready.
Read the book: Jealousy: Why it Happens and How to Overcome It (affiliate link) by Dr. Paul Hauk.