Therapy & Workshops

We are a team of qualified counsellors based in Cheadle Cheshire.
We also run courses and workshops for couple using. Imago relationship therapy

POPULAR couples Weekend Workshop

6 Quick Tips To Get Your Brain in High Gear Fast

Do you need to write a to-do list?  Have you got a list that just doesn’t seem to get any shorter? I have literally just sat down and written a new one this morning  and then come across  this article so I will  put these 6 tips  straight to the test. These recommendations are based on pyschological research that help improve the state of your mind and aid you to tackle the things that you need to get done.

They include thinking about your posture; including the ‘posture of your mind’  as well as your body. Also begin with a task, or part of a task, that is fairly straight forward and achievable. This is called the Zeigarnick effect.  Read on to be inspired…