Therapy & Workshops

We are a team of qualified counsellors based in Cheadle Cheshire.
We also run courses and workshops for couple using. Imago relationship therapy

POPULAR couples Weekend Workshop

Being Single, Quality of Relationship Influences Depression Risk

Are the significant people in your life good for your mental health?

The saying ‘quality is more important than quantity’ is also true when we look at the fundamentals in life such as our relationships. A  major research study in the US was undertaken to look at this. They  found that there was a strong link between the quality of a persons relationships with family, friends and partner and the risk of major depression.

The study found that those with challenging, strained relationships with their spouse were at much greater risk of developing depression compared to those with no spouse. Those with the lowest quality of relationship were at double the risk of depression than those with the better relationships.

Their conclusion?

‘You are better off without a spouse rather than having a poor relationship with one’.